Top 3 Driveway Island Ideas For You

Curb Appeal

Some driveways have islands in the middle of the paved surface. These islands can be the host of many types of landscaping and hardscaping options, depending on what the homeowner chooses and wants. Having a circular driveway with an island in the middle, can be very appealing to all who pass by. Increased curb appeal also comes with more than neighborhood bragging rights. Having an aesthetically pleasing house also helps raise property value, leading to your investment being worth more in the long run. 

Not every driveway has an island, but if yours does you have probably been brainstorming on how to spruce this area up and increase the value of your home. The option is entirely yours to choose from, and each style has its own benefits and look that you can tailor towards your needs. 

Here are our top 3 driveway island ideas:

  1. Bushes, Trees, and Natural Growth
  2. Planting Beds
  3. Hardscaping

Bushes, Trees, and Natural Growth

Planting bushes, trees, and other natural growth is a great way to bring life to your driveway island. For the most part planting larger bushes, shrubs, trees, or other natural growth such as tall grass requires very minimal maintenance. At most the shrubs and bushes may need a few trims throughout the spring into summer. This makes this choice one of the more convenient driveway island ideas.

This is a great look for those who want an outdoors feel to their driveway and front yard. This look allows a driveway island to look full and finished, without looking overly built up and unnatural. The overall cost for this style is not unreasonable, as all you have to purchase is the saplings to plants, and potentially pay for two or three trim jobs. 

Planting Beds

Planting beds provides all the same benefits or a natural and full look as trees and bushes does, but planting beds require a lot more maintenance and care. The thing is with planting beds, is typically the extra care needed to sustain a great look is viewed as a hobby by most. Planting beds can be filled with mulch of any color, loam, or even light gravel which allows for growth. Once the bed is set and made, you as the homeowner can plant any assortment of plants and flowers you choose, making your driveway island entirely customized. Planting beds also offer the most colorful and eye catching displays possible for natural growth. Flowers and plants of all sizes and colors can be selected to decorate your island, leaving you with more than enough choices. When looking for driveway island ideas, having a choice to add as much person flare as possible is always a plus.

Again, this driveway island idea is not for everyone. This is for the person who has a hobby of maintaining a garden or those looking to keep busy in their yard. The price range of this idea can vary greatly depending on the soil, the covering, and the plants that you choose. 


The hardscaping route is most likely going to be the most expensive of the three driveway island ideas, but also requires the least amount of maintenance. Hardscaping ideas can include a curb line around the island, a rock or stone wall, benches, or in the most extreme cases a fountain or other stone display. One of the most appealing aspects of these fixtures and hard walls, is unlike plants and shrubs, there is no need to trim, water, or maintain them regularly. This makes this style one of the most convenient for those looking an easy one time thing. Another great feature of hardscaping is the long term lifespan of the materials. Unlike plants that can die in the winter or dry season, the hardscape feature you put on your island will be there to stay for the duration of your ownership.