Highlights of a Driveway on a Hill
Having a driveway on a hill can come with many benefits that would otherwise not be seen in a flat space. There are a few passive highlights that can be seen in a sloped driveway, as well as practical uses that can taken advantage of.
One major passive benefit of having a driveway on a hill is the ability to allow water and other forms of precipitation to efficiently run off the surface. This is a key function of a driveway on a hill as it prevents water from pooling on your property. Large pools or puddles or rain water can be especially damaging to driveways. If these pools get into cracks in the surface and are allowed to freeze and expand, it will rapidly increase the deterioration of your driveway. Having a foundation on a steep enough hill will allow for both of these functions to be utilized.
Having a driveway on a hill also allows many home owners to have easier access into their house as well. In many cases, not only is the driveway on a hill, but the entire house foundation finds itself on top of a slope of some sort. A driveway on a hill in this situation is almost a necessity. It will allow you to drive right up to your home’s entrance and prevent the need for steep entry way staircases or long walks up a hill.
Challenges of a Driveway on a Hill
Losing grip in wet weather is a common problem for drivers. It is especially hazardous when the wheels are on a hill and you lose control of your car. The most dangerous situation occurs when you start to skid and there is a steep hill ahead of you. You lose control of your car, it starts to roll down the slope, and you cannot stop it. Having this happen on your own driveway can be very troublesome.
Water damage and buildup at the base of your driveway can be a problem. These pools of water have a high potential to freeze and expand which can cause major damage to your driveway. A damaged driveway is more than an eyesore, as it can cause hazards for your car as well as lower property value.
Vehicles scrapping is also common at the base of a driveway on a hill. This can be a problem for many vehicle builds as the bottom of the car will scrape the surface causing vehicle damage.
Driveway On a Hill Solutions
Steep driveways can have a range of problems, including losing grip in wet weather, water damage and vehicles scraping.
Many owners have difficulties using their driveways due to bottoming out their cars on a steep driveway.
After fixing your steep entryway you’ll wonder why you hadn’t done it sooner and finally be able to easily pull up to your front door without risking car damage.
Steep driveways can be fixed by resurfacing the area and correcting the gradient to increase ground clearance and allow for water runoff.
Top 4 Steep Driveway Solutions
Add protective barriers to the sides of the driveway to prevent a vehicle from slipping off. Not only does this offer a practical use for safety, but also allows for the driver of the vehicle to feel more assured they can remain safe.
Add texture to the surface for increased traction. Adding a texture of any kind to the driveway can help prevent the possibility of slipping during the icy winter months. These textures can be anything from a driveway sealant to rubber matts.
Add a curb ramp to help drivers with lowered cars and steep rolled curb entrances transition smoothly onto the street. This is a great fix to apply to your driveway if the only issue is your vehicle scrapping.
Repaving a driveway can be prohibitively expensive. So typically this is the last resort for many home owners. However, sometimes if the driveway is simply too old and damaged to apply a quick fix to, this may be your only option.
How to Fix Your Entrance And Prevent Your Car From Scraping The Driveway
A few tips to prevent scraping your car:
– When you park your car, place a piece of wood on the ground underneath the front wheels so that the car doesn’t scrape the surface.
– When you’re on the road, make sure to turn the wheels to the left to prevent scraping the driveway.
Steep driveways present numerous hazards to vehicles.
A car’s bumper, oil pan, engine cover, even the axle can be damaged over time as they are scraped pulling in and out an entryway like this. Business owners can also be held liable for damage to vehicles that result from these culprits.
There are many ways to minimize risks and damage to vehicles.
Let’s look at several ideas for your home or business:
A note for homeowners installing a new driveway:to avoid running afoul of local building codes, familiarize yourself with all relevant local restrictions before starting construction; counties and cities often include highly specific building codes and regulations, including how steep a driveway can be.
But with steeper driveways come increased hazards. This is why transition sections are so important: they reduce the risk of these hazards by creating an area of the driveway with a more gradual slope approaching a sidewalk or street. Transition zones also protect pedestrians and nearby vehicles in the street.
So what are some steps building and homeowners take to create a safer transition from their driveway to the street?transition zones include narrowing or eliminating access points between the roadway and the driveway, using a longer transition section, and installing guardrail or other barriers.
Pre-Made Rubber Driveway Ramps: The Expensive Unicorn
Pre-made rubber ramps are less customizable and more expensive than curb ramp options. They offer the same coverage as curb ramps, but can be molded to fit any shape driveway and slope. They are less likely to cause injury when stepped on than pre-made ramps, and come with an adhesive for permanent installation. Pre-made rubber ramps are a popular option for those who want an easy and affordable way to improve their driveway.
There are several factors to consider when choosing a pre-made driveway ramp, including cost, safety, and ease of installation. It is important to research the specific ramp brand before making a purchase so that you are sure you’re getting what you expected. Be aware of potential weather conditions that could affect the durability of your ramp, and make sure to have an emergency plan in place in case of damage or weather delays.
Stop Scraping: The Solution To Rolled Curbs
Curb Ramp is a cost-effective, reliable product for preventing your car from scraping the driveway. Curb Ramp can be customized to fit any shape driveway curb and slope. Curb Ramp offers further customization to bond it to the curb or create a removable substrate .
Use Stop Scraping to prevent rolled curbs. Stop Scraping is a strong adhesive that does not come off easily. Wear disposable gloves to avoid skin exposure. Exercise caution when working with Stop Scraping, as it can be difficult to remove if it becomes thick like molasses in cold weather.
Installing a Drainage Channel
To install a drainage channel, lay the pipe or channel in the middle of the curb gap where water flows naturally. Use construction adhesive to anchor the channel to the curb or substrate (for removable ramps). Proceed with installation as usual. If you have any questions about asphalt driveways , contact our team today or request a free on-site quote or advice over the phone.
Best Surfaces for a Driveway on a Hill
A driveway on a hill can be made with the same surface materials that any other driveways are made of. Those materials include gravel, asphalt, concrete, and many more. Each surface will present you with the problems talked about previously. Gravel is one of the more troublesome surfaces on a slope due to the loose nature of the material. However there is no wrong choice as long as proper maintenance and prep is done.